LLA Money Series – Leading Ladies Africa https://leadingladiesafrica.org Women focused non-profit for African Women/women of African descent Thu, 04 Feb 2021 23:14:59 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.4 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-favicon-32x32.png LLA Money Series – Leading Ladies Africa https://leadingladiesafrica.org 32 32 #LLAMoneySeries: 10 Money Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make In 2021 And Beyond by Sola Adesakin https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-10-money-mistakes-you-shouldnt-make-in-2021-and-beyond-by-sola-adesakin/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-10-money-mistakes-you-shouldnt-make-in-2021-and-beyond-by-sola-adesakin/#respond Fri, 05 Feb 2021 07:00:51 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=20078
Sola Adesakin

Sola Adesakin is a multi-dimensional Author, Speaker and Finance Expert, experienced and versatile Chartered Accountant with over 18 years hands-on experience on Personal and SMEs finance. She is a Personal Finance Coach, Trainer and Conference/Seminar Speaker. Through her blog and The Smart Stewards Academy, she has helped many men and women bounce back from stress to rest and from debt to wealth.

Sola is the Managing Partner of BookSmart Financial Solutions; an SME friendly Accounting firm and also the Founder and Lead Coach of Smart Stewards; a Platform for teaching sound principles on personal finance management. 

She has authored 8 published books; her latest being “Fit-To-Fly Financial Plan”. Her books are on Amazon (In digital and paperback formats) and other leading book distributors.

In an article published by Sola Adesakin on LinkedIn, she outlined 10 money mistakes people should not make in 2021 and beyond.  She shared these nuggets from her experiences and observations. Read on!


  • Don’t delegate the responsibility of managing your finances to someone else. Pay the price for knowledge, seek to understand and take charge of your finances.


  • Don’t wait till you have so much before you learn about money management. What you do when you make little is what you’d do when you make much, except you are intentional. If you don’t save N5k when earning N50k, you wouldn’t save N50k when earning N500k


  • Don’t live with a poverty mindset. The first and most important place to accumulate riches is in your mind. You can’t feature in a future you can’t picture- think rich, grow rich. Abundance is a mindset and it is not a function of what you have in your bank account


  • Don’t mix personal and business financial activities. Separate them. Allow your business to breathe. If it’s your only source of income, put yourself on a salary. If you invest your personal funds, invest your business funds. Keep records


  • Don’t be sentimental in your money dealings with family and friends- especially when it comes to business or in cases where folks ask for loans. If you have to transact with family, be upfront, state the terms and be firm.


  • Don’t go through life without accountability, especially when it comes to your finances. Sometimes, you need someone you trust to call you out, help you achieve your goals. You may belong to a Mastermind or an Accountability group or better still, have an accountability partner.


  • Don’t keep budgeting and planning without tracking your finances. You should be able to know if you are doing better from year to year, if your assets are more and if you are a better money manager.


  • Don’t invest in things you don’t understand, and don’t wait for knowledge to cross your path. Go look for it and constantly learn. Leverage Technology and Collaboration.


  • Don’t hesitate to give because you don’t have much. It’s a blessing to give.


  • Don’t neglect yourself, your immediate family and dependents and don’t gamble in high-risk investment instruments with money for necessities. Work with a budget factoring in every necessary thing.


Cheers to your financial success in 2021 and beyond.


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#LLAMoneySeries – 5 female personal finance experts you need to follow in 2021 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-5-female-personal-finance-experts-you-need-to-follow-in-2021/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-5-female-personal-finance-experts-you-need-to-follow-in-2021/#respond Fri, 08 Jan 2021 10:46:04 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=19907  

Taking charge of your finances is possible with the right guide and source of information. Becoming financially independent is a dream come true for every woman in this century. We are delighted to introduce to you financial experts who can guide you to make this dream a reality. 

Read on!

In this blog, we would like to share with you 5 female personal finance expert whom you need to follow to get your finance right in 2021. These women have helped thousands of people globally to achieve financial success and they are trailblazers in the finance industry. Check these women out!


Arese Ugwu

Arese Ugwu

Arese Ugwu is the author of the bestselling and ground-breaking The Smart Money Woman, the financial-chick-lit novel that has taken Africa by storm. She is helping young Africans discover their power to build their future and make smarter money decisions through Smart Money Africa, a personal finance platform for the African millennial, engaging young Africans on the importance of financial literacy and the impact it has on helping them get money, keep money, and grow money. 

Social media handles

Twitter: @smartmoneyarese

Facebook: Smart Money Arese 

Instagram: @smartmoneyarese

LinkedIn: Arese Ugwu


Patrice C. Washington

Patrice C. Washington

Patrice C. Washington is known as the Money Maven. She is the Founder and CEO of Seek Wisdom Find Wealth, a personal finance training and development firm focused on moving you from debt management to money mastery. Patrice C. Washington has dedicated her life to providing practical advice for women to better manage their finances and take control of their personal wealth. As a featured columnist, television commentator, radio host, author, and speaker, she is the leading authority on personal finance for women and students.

Social media handles

Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW

Facebook: Patrice C. Washington

Instagram: @seekwisdompcw

LinkedIn: Patrice C. Washington



Bola Sokunbi 

Bola Sokunbi

Bola Sokunbi is a Certified Financial Education Instructor, money expert, best-selling author, and the founder & CEO of Clever Girl Finance, one of the largest personal finance platforms for women in the U.S. Clever Girl Finance is a mission-driven platform focused on helping women make the best financial decisions for their current and future selves. Her main goal is to help women become accountable, ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth. 

Social media handles

Twitter: @CleverGirlCGF

Facebook: Clever Girl Finance

Instagram: @clevergirlfinance

LinkedIn: Bola Sokunbi


Tonya Rapley

Tonya Rapley

Tonya Rapley is a highly sought after entrepreneur and consultant. She created the award-winning site, My Fab Finance in 2013, catapulting her to the forefront as a nationally recognized millennial money expert. Shortly after she was deemed the “New Face of Wealth Building” by Black Enterprise Magazine and was also recognized as a “Modern Day History Maker” by TV One. She is author of the Amazon Best Seller, The Money Manual: A Practical Guide to Help You Succeed On Your Financial Journey.

Social media handles

Twitter: @MyFabFinance

Facebook: My Fab Finance

Instagram: @myfabfinance

LinkedIn: Tonya Rapley


Tiffany Aliche

Tiffany Alichie

Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, is an award-winning teacher of financial education and is quickly becoming America’s favourite, personal financial educator. Through her company, The Budgetnista, Tiffany has created a financial movement that has helped over 1 million women worldwide collectively save more than $200 million, and pay off over $100 million in debt, purchase homes and transform the way they think about their finances. 

She is a NextAdvisor contributing editor, and she also blogs about personal finance for The Huffington Post and The Budgetnista Blog, Co-hosts an award-winning podcast, Brown Ambition, and has an online school, the Live Richer Academy that teaches women how to create, implement and automate their own financial education path. Tiffany Aliche is the author of “The One Week Budget”

Social media handles

Twitter: @TheBudgetnista

Facebook: The Budgetnista

Instagram: @thebudgetnista

LinkedIn: Tiffany Aliche


We highly recommend that you follow these financial experts on their social media pages as they provide tons of valuable content on personal finance. 

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#LLAMoneySeries – 4 Savvy money tips from “Real money answers for every woman” by Patrice C. Washington https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-4-savvy-money-tips-from-real-money-answers-for-every-woman-by-patrice-c-washington/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-4-savvy-money-tips-from-real-money-answers-for-every-woman-by-patrice-c-washington/#respond Fri, 30 Oct 2020 13:21:52 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=19398
Patrice C. Washington

Patrice C. Washington is known as the Money Maven. She is the Founder and CEO of Seek Wisdom Find Wealth, a personal finance training and development firm focused on moving you from debt management to money mastery. Patrice C. Washington has dedicated her life to providing practical advice for women to better manage their finances and take control of their personal wealth. As a featured columnist, television commentator, radio host, author, and speaker, she is the leading authority on personal finance for women and students.

Today, Patrice’s wisdom on money matters has been tapped as a recurring voice by national brands such as NBC, FOX News, Black Enterprise, The Huffington Post, Essence Magazine and more. She’s been profiled by The New York Post, SUCCESS Magazine and Women of Wealth Magazine and is most known as the personal finance voice of the top-rated and nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Radio Show where she hosts her own weekly segment, Real Money Answers with Patrice Washington.

Patrice C. Washington is the author of several books one of which is the book titled, “Real Money Answers for Every Woman”. Her goal for writing this book is for every woman to be able to hone their money mindset so that no matter what life throws them, they’re able to bounce back and be better off than they were before. In this book, “Real money answers for every woman”, Patrice Washington shared nuggets of wisdom on living a financially stable and successful life.



“Personal finance success is less about what you know and more about how much of what you know you implement in your daily life”, says Patrice Washington. This is the foundation of personal finance success. True success starts on the inside; the outside is merely the by-product.

Patrice always shares that building wealth has 100% nothing to do with money; it has 100% everything to do with you and your mindset towards money. Your financial success ultimately depends on your thought system and belief about money. Your long term financial success ultimately depends on your short term financial decision-making. 

In this book, Patrice shared that our financial failure is as a result of the financial blueprint handed to us by our parents. The steps to creating a wealthier habit by Patrice Washington include; having a clear goal, declare a purpose, commit to a lifestyle of learning, understand your value, get visual, maintain a grateful spirit, give well to receive well.



“You were born as the solution to someone else’s problem, your true job is to find the prosperity that rests in first finding your purpose” – Patrice Washington.

Though you may struggle in attaining the success that you want for yourself, Patrice advised that there’s still much you can do to empower yourself and improve your position. This is by learning and implementing a little workplace wisdom. 

It is important to engage in what you love, whether you engage in what you love or you work for someone else. This is a certain path to earning more money.  Create a side hustle for yourself, create discipline and balance in your life. Start making money from your hobby by identifying your skillsets and understand the market place.



Being a good steward over your finances means taking care of, and showing respect for what you have now. If you can’t manage a small amount of wisely, then why on earth would you be entrusted with a large sum of money? Even if you got it, consciously or subconsciously, you’d likely find a way to mismanage it.

According to Patrice Washington, Only 20% of personal financial success is head knowledge; the other 80% is behaviour. The first step in managing your money wisely is to show respect for the money you already have. Your financial success has little to do with your income but how you handle your money. One important lesson to be learnt is that smart money management can make you wealthy, no matter how small or large your salary may be.



No matter how well you create wealthy habits, how much more money you earn, or how well you manage your money, you can still find yourself in a financial pickle if you don’t learn to manage the conversations you have about money with the ones you love.  It is important to have conversations about money with people around you so you can settle the different ideologies about money.

Remember, everyone has their financial blueprint and you must take time to ask the right questions while you are in a relationship with someone. Even though the person has a poor financial habit, you can use the following tips to get the person’s financial life back on track. These include; get back to the basics, create a safe space, work as a team, and lead by example. Also, give your child a financial education and instil financial discipline in your child. 


We hope these that tips are resourceful in solving your money problems and also help you to achieve your financial dream. Get the book and read more!!!

Source: Real money answers for every woman by Patrice C. Washington

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#LLAMoneySeries – How to create your money management system in 7 days or less by Tiffany Alichie https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-how-to-create-your-money-management-system-in-7-days-or-less-by-tiffany-alichie/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llamoneyseries-how-to-create-your-money-management-system-in-7-days-or-less-by-tiffany-alichie/#respond Fri, 16 Oct 2020 16:27:26 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=19326
Tiffany Aliche

Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, is an award-winning teacher of financial education and is quickly becoming America’s favourite, personal financial educator. Through her company, The Budgetnista, Tiffany has created a financial movement that has helped over 1 million women worldwide collectively save more than $200 million, and pay off over $100 million in debt, purchase homes and transform the way they think about their finances. The women that take part in this global movement call themselves, Dream Catchers.

She is a NextAdvisor contributing editor, and she also blogs about personal finance for The Huffington Post and The Budgetnista Blog, Co-hosts an award-winning podcast, Brown Ambition, and has an online school, the Live Richer Academy that teaches women how to create, implement and automate their own financial education path.

Tiffany Aliche is the author of “The One Week Budget”. In this book, Tiffany Alichie shares insightful tips on how to create a money management system.

Create a List of Your Spending Habits

Tiffany achieved her first financial goal by setting a clear, written, and measurable financial goal. She wrote her goal, chose a time frame, created a plan, and used her money management system. Creating a money list will keep you conscious of how you spend every dime. It is important to make a list of everything you spend money on. Tiffany said, “If you do not learn to respect money in smaller amounts, you will never respect or keep it in larger amounts.

Write the monthly cost of each expense

The most important aspect of keeping your money is being aware of how much of it you are spending. Being aware of your spending habit is the first step in changing your spending habit. You cannot change what you do not know. Use the money list you have created and add realistic monthly amounts next to each expense. Documenting your expenses and comparing it with your income will give you the full scope of your financial situation. According to Tiffany, “A way to rebuild your financial future begins with full disclosure of your current fiscal status”.

Separate your expenses

Separation, whether it be a relationship or an analysis of your finances, can both provide you with a new and valuable perspective. By separating your expenses, you can see the level of control you have on each expense. This will allow you to make the necessary changes. Your expenses should be divided into; Fixed expenses, Adjustable/Usage expenses, Easily Adjustable/Cash expenses.

Reduce your spending

Tiffany’s approach to reducing spending habits is by cutting down the easily adjustable expenses. For expenses that are adjustable or moderate, ask yourself if you really need to spend much on that item. Keep in mind that when it comes to your money, no change is too small. An expense as little as getting a smaller coffee each morning can add up down the line.

Save and revamp your money list

Ensure to pay yourself first as you receive a paycheck. It is commonly said, “Little drops of water make an ocean”. The money you set aside monthly as savings can be used to execute a big project or an investment opportunity that you never thought would come your way. It important for you to update your budget, you could do this by revamping your money list to reflect your new income. It is disturbingly common for people to make more money, but not save more. You must plan in advance if you want to maximize an increase in pay.

Feel free to apply these tips and see how it works, we hope this helps!

Source: The One Week Budget by Tiffany Alichie “The Budgetnista”


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