Opportunity – Leading Ladies Africa https://leadingladiesafrica.org Women focused non-profit for African Women/women of African descent Fri, 23 Sep 2022 14:22:05 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.4 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Opportunity – Leading Ladies Africa https://leadingladiesafrica.org 32 32 5 Remote Jobs to Help Increase Your Income as a Student! https://leadingladiesafrica.org/5-remote-jobs-to-help-increase-your-income-as-a-student/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/5-remote-jobs-to-help-increase-your-income-as-a-student/#respond Fri, 23 Sep 2022 14:22:05 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=22329

Let’s keep it one hundred; the hustle is real! Even as a student! 

There’s a lot we need money for. To get some study resources, for the pocket drainer that is the Internet, to get a new device or even a new dress. 

There’s always a need for more money than the allowance from our parents. 

In this article, we will discuss entry-level, low-experience remote roles that you could take up while in school. We’ll also give you a few tips on how to get started.


The Novelty of Remote roles

Remote jobs are not new, but the Covid-19 pandemic made everyone see it as a more effortless and safer way to work. 

Although the health risks associated with the pandemic have reduced since the vaccines, it has become clear that remote roles are not going anywhere soon. 

People love remote jobs. They love the flexibility of remote work, and some even say they have noticed more productivity in working from home. 

In fact, according to a report by Owl Labs, 32% of the survey population indicated that if they could not continue working from home, they would resign from their positions. 


As a student looking for work, this is good news! This means you don’t have to worry about commuting from classes to your workplace and can work from the comfort of your dormitory.  

It also means that you don’t have to worry about your academics taking a hit as, with proper time management, you can continue excelling in your studies while making money by the side. 


1. Social Media Manager

Social media is a tool no company dares ignore, small businesses and large enterprises. It has become essential in all marketing efforts. 

Because most brands are aware of this, the demand for social media managers is always on the high side. 

Huge companies need someone who can integrate social media into their marketing strategy. At the same time, small business owners want to outsource their social media management to focus on other parts of business growth. 

One mistake you could make is thinking social media management involves posting and responding to comments and direct messages. Social media management is more than that.

Some essential skills that make an efficient social media manager include; copywriting, content strategizing, and analytical skills. A social media manager also needs to be creative, a quick thinker, and stay on top of trends. 

Take courses on social media management on e-learning platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn learning. You can also watch some innovative videos on YouTube. 


2. Virtual Assistant 

A virtual assistant is someone who does all the roles of an executive assistant from the comfort of their home. 

The roles of a virtual assistant include administrative duties like: 

  • Management of calendars and schedules 
  • Travel arrangements 
  • Email monitoring and organization 
  • Answering and directing phone calls 
  • Accounting and billing activities 
  • Creating and keeping records 
  • Vetting potential clients, projects, partnerships, and so on. 
  • Maintaining or updating a client’s social media or professional profile

To become a Virtual assistant, you need to invest in courses on e-learning platforms and watch YouTube videos. 

Also, ensure you actively promote your skills on your social media platforms, particularly Twitter and LinkedIn.

A website would help with showcasing as you gain more work experience. 


3. Proofreader

Ask any African millennial what jobs were available for them while they were in school, and about eighty percent will mention Proofreading!

Proofreading is the final step in the creation of written text before publishing. It is checking for spelling or grammatical errors, fixing style inconsistencies, and formatting for accuracy and fluency. 

All forms of writing require Proofreading, but academic writers are stricter about this, mainly because they have to watch out for plagiarism. 

Watch Youtube videos on Proofreading, read articles and hone that skill.


4. Data Entry

A data entry operator is someone that enters information from one system into another using a computer. A company might need to collect prospects’ email addresses, names, and other details from a document and input it into a website or vice versa. 

It is one of the most remote-friendly jobs right now. All you need is a computer. 

You should, however, watch out for scams. Make sure you don’t pay any money to buy data entry software or get a data entry gig.


5. Translator 

Our Bilingual girls, get in here! 

The world is becoming increasingly accommodating, so information must be available and communicated in languages everyone can understand. 

Here are the steps needed to become a paid translator: 

  1. Learn another language and become fluent in it. You must be eloquent in at least two languages to become a translator.
  2. Get specialized training. Being fluent in two or more languages is excellent, but translation is an art, and you need to master the art of translating.
  3. Obtain Certification. We all know that having a certificate in any career increases your legitimacy. So legitimize your skill with a certificate.
  4. Choose a niche and familiarize yourself with the terminology. Learn legal terms if you’re interested in the legal industry or medical terms if that’s what you want.
  5. Get some professional experience. The best way to convince someone to hire you is by showing you have experience, and the best way to get experience is by volunteering. Research on nonprofits or community organizations and offer your skills for free. 


If you have been considering learning a new language for a while now, this is your sign to start!



There you have it, five remote roles that would give you an extra source of income as a student and help you gain relevant work experience before you leave school. 

Fiverr and Upwork are two renowned platforms for getting well-paying freelance remote jobs. Also, utilize your social media channels to promote your skillsets.

Take courses when needed, practice frequently, and you’re on your way to steady income growth.



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Opportunity: African Development Bank’s Young Professional Programme 2020 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/opportunity-african-development-banks-young-professional-programme-2020/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/opportunity-african-development-banks-young-professional-programme-2020/#respond Mon, 28 Oct 2019 06:00:40 +0000 http://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=16000 The Young Professionals Program (YPP) targets high potential, best-in-class young professionals with a strong passion for Africa’s development. This program is not an internship arrangement; rather it offers exceptional career opportunities to talented young professionals with leadership potential, an established record of outstanding academic and professional achievement to make a difference to the development of the African continent. The YPP includes a rigorous program of activities including a learning Academy that prepares participants to be technical and professional leaders with notable impact.

The Program is for a period of three years; the first two years will be spent on mandatory rotational placements across the Bank’s various functions. The third-year rotation year will be spent in the Home Complex where the YP will graduate into a staff position. Only YPs who have completed the YP Academy and have exhibited high performance and high potential will be integrated into the Bank’s workforce.

The Professional and Personal Development Program is structured under the Young Professionals Learning Academy with specific learning interventions delivered in phases of 6 months each. These learning interventions serve to deepen technical knowledge and build leadership skills required for effective delivery of task functions and future roles in the Bank.The Learning academy also includes on- the job training that requires immersion into various functional areas of the Bank for hands-on experience in projects and various work assignments.

On-boarding and orientation programs ensure faster integration into the Bank’s culture and offers a robust support mechanism from mentors, coaches and buddy groups.
Individual performance and potential will be reviewed periodically, and the necessary personal development plans customized to individual needs.

The Bank seeks to recruit Young Professionals in specific disciplines and specialist professional areas that are aligned to the Ten-Year Strategy (TYS); the five priority areas of the Bank (High 5s) and People strategy. The Hi-5s are captured below:
1. Light Up and Power Africa:
Power Systems Development (grid base power system, power utilities), Climate Change and Green Growth (climate finance, climate adaptation), Energy Statistics, Policy and Regulation (energy statistics), Renewable Energy (off grid energy access), Energy Partnerships (energy partnerships and stake-holders engagement, energy markets).
2. Feed Africa:
Agriculture & Agro-industry (agribusiness development, agriculture research, production and sustainability), Agricultural finance & Rural development (agricultural and rural finance, rural infrastructure development).
3. Integrate Africa:
Development Research (macroeconomic policy, debt sustainability and forecasting, microeconomic, institutional and development impact), Governance and public financial management (program development, policy management), Statistics (economic and social statistics, statistical capacity building).
4. Industrialize Africa:
Private Sector Development (strategy and new product, portfolio asset management, special operations), Financial sector development (financial institutions, financial inclusion), Infrastructure, cities & urban development (transport and logistics, ICT), Industrial and trade development.
5. Improve the lives of the people of Africa:
Water, Human and Social development (education, human capital and employment, sanitation and public health.

The Young Professionals Program (YPP) targets High Potential, best-in-class young professionals with a strong passion for Africa’s development. The Program offers exceptional career opportunities to talented young professionals with leadership potential, an established record of outstanding academic and professional achievement to make a difference to the development of the African continent. It is a three-year leadership opportunity for the development of Bank’s future workforce and leaders. The Bank aims attract highly qualified and motivated professionals from our member countries for a productive and rewarding career path in development. Through the YPP, the Bank ensures continuity and excellence in both the management of its work programs and the provision of policy advice to its RMCs.
The Bank aims to offer this opportunity to 30 candidates for the 2020 cohort. The Bank is an equal opportunity employer. To this end, we are committed to achieving and maintaining a diverse workforce that reflects our diversity

To apply for this programme, applicants should be:
Be a citizen of a member country of the Bank.
Be 32 years of age or younger by 1st May 2020.
Possess a Master’s degree or equivalent in any discipline that is relevant to the business of the Bank, with outstanding academic credentials.
Have at least 3 years work experience in the areas related to the high priority areas (Hi-5s) as mentioned above.
Interested candidates with coding, e-development, animation and platforms designs and maintenance are required this year.
Demonstrable hands-on experience on the African continent and/or in other continent’s developing countries is a necessary requirement.
Have passion for Africa’s Development
Able to leverage knowledge, share and coach others. Work effectively in teams with displayed high adaptability to a diverse environment.
Strong analytical skills, an entrepreneurial drive, results- orientation and problem-solving capability.
High business acumen and innovative mindset.
Be proficient in the Bank’s working languages, either English and/or French.
Have skills that enable you work in a digital environment and embrace technology as it evolves.
Be willing to live in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire the Bank’s Headquarters, and any other country in Africa where the Bank may require your services.

Application Checklist
The application checklist is meant to facilitate your application experience.
Provide an email address; and an alternative one. Fill in correct e-mail address since this will be the main means of communication
Answer all the questions
Provide the most current contact information. Ensure that you email us with updated data, should your contacts change during the recruitment process
Complete phone number (country code + city code + number)
Upload the following required documents (mandatory):
– Maximum two page Curriculum Vitae in Microsoft Word version.
– Copies of Academic Certificates/Transcripts.
– PhD Dissertation/Master’s Thesis topic (short summary), if applicable.
– You will be expected to write an essay of about 800 words.

Application Deadline
Kindly submit your online application before midnight (GMT) on the expiry date, November 13, 2019.
Click here to apply.

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Applications Now Open for the Morgan Stanley Multicultural Innovation Lab 2020 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/applications-now-open-for-the-morgan-stanley-multicultural-innovation-lab-2020/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/applications-now-open-for-the-morgan-stanley-multicultural-innovation-lab-2020/#respond Thu, 17 Oct 2019 07:00:14 +0000 http://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=15623

The Multicultural Innovation Lab is an accelerator program within Morgan Stanley supporting technology and technology-enabled startups led by a multicultural or woman entrepreneur and/or management team. As part of the Morgan Stanley Plastic Waste Resolution, the 2020 cohort will also welcome startups that aid in the prevention, reduction and removal of plastic waste.

Please apply or forward this invitation to startups that would be interested in applying. Applications for the 2020 cohort will close on January 3, 2020 and the program will begin in the Spring of 2020.

Benefits for Participating Startups:

• Cash contribution from Morgan Stanley

• 6-month program focused on curated content, curriculum and connections

• Introductions to leading investors, successful founders and prominent institutions including Fortune 500 clients

• Workspace in Morgan Stanley’s Times Square headquarters

• Executive-level mentors and support from across Morgan Stanley

• Participation in networking events, including Showcase & Demo Day

To learn more about the program, visit the Multicultural Innovation Lab website.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

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