LLA Career Toolkit – Leading Ladies Africa https://leadingladiesafrica.org Women focused non-profit for African Women/women of African descent Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:02:26 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.4 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cropped-favicon-32x32.png LLA Career Toolkit – Leading Ladies Africa https://leadingladiesafrica.org 32 32 #LLACareerToolkit – 5 Career Tips on Navigating The Workplace by Otegha Uwagba https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llacareertoolkit-5-career-tips-on-navigating-the-workplace-by-otegha-uwagba/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llacareertoolkit-5-career-tips-on-navigating-the-workplace-by-otegha-uwagba/#respond Thu, 19 Nov 2020 10:02:26 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=19637
Otegha Uwagba


Otegha Uwagba is the author of Little Black Book and founder of Women Who, a community for working women with events that link them up. Having worked in both advertising (BBDO) and branded content (Vice Media) Otegha now has her own book, blog, newsletter, podcast, events programme and freelance writing career.

Her book “Little Black Book” is a curation of career advice and insights inspired by her experiences as a young woman trying to make my way in the world. She wrote this book to help career woman navigate their way through the career world.

Here are 5 Career Tips on Navigating The Workplace by Otegha Uwagba. Read on

Communicate effectively

According to Otegha Uwagba, “The secret to building a healthy working relationship with your boss generally lies in your ability to communicate meaningfully with them about your ideas, problems and ambitions”. All manner of workplace ills can be addressed and overcome by way of a frank chat, so keep the lines of communication open. Also, try to figure out your teammate’s method and style of communication. 

Be a mentor

In the workplace, you will most likely be responsible for the affairs of other persons. Part of your job description could involve overseeing someone else’s career development and nurturing creative talent. Ensure to treat beneath you right and assign them to the kinds of tasks and projects that allow them to build up their own portfolios and hone their skills.

Choose collaborations wisely

In her book “Little Black Book” Otegha Uwagba said, Collaborations can be a real career boost, and are a great opportunity to expose your work to new audiences and pick up new skills. Wrongly chose partnerships, however, can end up being financially and emotionally draining and – at their very worst – might even damage your reputation. Don’t assume that just because you get on well with someone in a social setting, that you’ll automatically get along professionally too. Team up with someone who shares the same values, work ethic, and standards of output as you is crucial. 

Share your opinions 

You should always have something to bring to the table. Remember that you are employed for the results you deliver and the value that you add to the organization. Having an opinion is as valuable as having an idea, so don’t ever turn up to a meeting and sit there in silence. If you’re shy about speaking up in meetings endeavour to say something at the very start. Often the longer a meeting goes on without you having said anything, the more pressure you feel to dazzle with whatever you do eventually say, which can make you clam up even more – so break the ice early on.

Push for more

No matter the level that you have attained in the workplace, never see a task as insignificant. Strive to be of value and in demand. Otegha Uwagba said that a willingness to be a team player when it comes to admin and low-level tasks should be carefully balanced with clear ambition. Be proactive in pushing for more substantive work – don’t just assume it will automatically be given to you as time goes on.


We hope that these career tips will guide you on your journey to attaining success in your career. Ensure to implement these valuable tips!

This blog is an excerpt of Little Black Book: A Toolkit For Working Women by Otegha Uwagba.

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#LLACareerToolkit – 5 Career Books Every Leading Lady Must Read https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llacareertoolkit-5-career-books-every-leading-lady-must-read/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llacareertoolkit-5-career-books-every-leading-lady-must-read/#respond Thu, 05 Nov 2020 13:16:56 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=19527
Photo credit: Thought Catalog on Pexels


Achieving the career of your dreams is possible with the right counsel, positive mindset and hardworking attitude. Even when the leading ladies in your sector are inaccessible to guide you, books are one of the best sources for career advice. 

According to Charles W. Eliot, “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.” We have put together a list of 5 career books to guide you on your career journey. 

These books are valuable to guide you if you want to kickstart your career,  take your career to the next level, find a balance between your personal life and career, and also help you to work your way to the C- Suite.

The author of these books shares their valuable experiences and insights for advancement in the workplace.  Take a look at these great reads!


Expect to Win: 10 Proven Strategies for Thriving in the Workplace by Carla Harris

Carla Harris, one of the most successful and respected women in business, shares advice, tips, and strategies for surviving in any workplace environment. While climbing the corporate ladder, Harris had her own missteps and celebrated numerous victories.

She vowed that when she reached senior management, and people came to her for advice, she would provide them with the tools and strategies honed by her experience.

 “Carla’s Pearls” have become the centrepiece for her many speeches and television appearances.  Expect to Win is an inspirational must-read for anyone seeking battle-tested tools for fulfilling their true potential.




The Mother of All Jobs: How to Have Children and a Career and Stay Sane(ish) by Christine Armstrong

 A manifesto for the working parent, The Mother of All Jobs draws on the wisdom of working women everywhere to help parents navigate the modern world of work. Christine Armstrong is a writer, speaker and adviser to business leaders on the future of work.

Armstrong shares humorous and honest insights into the realities of juggling parenthood and careers, to help guide the next generation of working parents in the UK.  While the demands of work are increasing with longer working hours and more pressure to remain ‘switched on’ to our phones and computers, the needs of our children and the world of school and childcare have stayed the same. Something has got to change before we all reach the breaking point.

The Mother of All Jobs brings together the wisdom of women who opened up about their experiences into a manifesto to help working parents thrive.


Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg

In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg reignited the conversation around women in the workplace. Sandberg is the chief operating officer of Facebook and co-author of Option B with Adam Grant. 

Lean In continues that conversation, combining personal anecdotes, hard data, and compelling research to change the conversation from what women can’t do to what they can. Sandberg provides practical advice on negotiation techniques, mentorship, and building a satisfying career. She describes specific steps women can take to combine professional achievement with personal fulfilment, and demonstrates how men can benefit by supporting women both in the workplace and at home.

Written with humour and wisdom, Lean In is a revelatory, inspiring call to action and a blueprint for individual growth that will empower women around the world to achieve their full potential.


Reinventing You by Dorie Clark

Reinventing You, With a New Preface: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future.

Are you where you want to be professionally? Whether you want to advance faster at your present company, change jobs, or make the jump to a new field entirely, Reinventing You, now in paperback with a new preface, provides a step-by-step guide to help you assess your unique strengths, develop a compelling personal brand, and ensure that others recognize the powerful contribution you can make.

Dorie Clark is a marketing strategy consultant and professional speaker who teaches at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. Branding expert Dorie Clark mixes personal stories with engaging interviews and examples from Mark Zuckerberg, Al Gore, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin, and others to show you how to think big about your professional goals, take control of your career, and finally live the life you want.



How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back From Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job By Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith

Ready to take the next step in your career . . . but not sure what’s holding you back? Read on

This book will help you overcome the twelve habits holding you back and take your career to new heights with this wise and approachable guide from two business leadership experts.

Leadership expert Sally Helgesen and bestselling leadership coach Marshall Goldsmith have trained thousands of high achievers — men and women — to reach even greater heights. Again and again, they see that women face specific and different roadblocks from men as they advance in the workplace. In fact, the very habits that helped women early in their careers can hinder them as they move up. Simply put, what got you here won’t get you there . . . and you might not even realize your blind spots until it’s too late.


These are great books that you should add to your bookshelves! You can find these books on Amazon.  We hope these books will guide you to create the career you’ve always dreamed of.

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#LLACareerToolkit – 5 Black female career coaches you should follow and engage with online https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llacareertoolkit-5-black-female-career-coaches-you-should-follow-and-engage-with-online/ https://leadingladiesafrica.org/llacareertoolkit-5-black-female-career-coaches-you-should-follow-and-engage-with-online/#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2020 10:20:39 +0000 https://leadingladiesafrica.org/?p=19324  

Francine Parham

Francine Parham

Francine Parham is the founder and CEO of FrancineParham & Co. As a career expert, she is focused on advancing professional women in the workplace, specifically into positions of leadership and authority. She does this through her public speaking, writing, curated and micro networking events and specialized skill-building workshops. Her focus is not only in investing in women but partnering with individuals and organizations that support advancing women to be leaders and influencers in their chosen fields.

Francine is a connector, and she wants to share her network to push women to move forward with their dream career. Today, her network spans beyond 10,000 people and she generously gives you access, introducing you to individuals and organizations that can speed up your goals. She is Co-author of “The Ultimate Career Pocket Guide” an aide to help women achieve their professional success.



Larkisha Davis

Lakrisha Davis

Lakrisha Davis is a Career Coach, CEO of NextUp Resume, Keynote Speaker, Business Mentor, Job Interview Expert, and Author. Lakrisha Davis realized that having the right competencies was far from enough for achieving success, she did everything she could to fill in those gaps in her knowledge. Lakrisha devotes her time to helping her clients unlock their best potential with her best practices. She is a book author of “Who Needs a Career Coach Anyway?!”

Lakrisha Davis is an accomplished woman. She has assisted over 1200 job seekers and possesses a 99% success rate. She brought clients salary increase of up to 65%. She has helped clients land at industry-leading companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Cisco Meraki, Ernst & Young, Apple, LinkedIn, and Amazon. She is a recipient of the Phenomenal Woman Award & Top 290 Most Influential Woman Award.




Latesha Byrd

Latesha Byrd

Latesha Byrd is the CEO and Founder of Byrd Career Consulting, a talent development consulting agency serving organizations and top talent at the intersection of career empowerment, diversity, equity & inclusion and leadership development, providing career resources and coaching to over 2,000 professionals all over the globe.

Latesha discovered her passion for Diversity & Inclusion while managing recruiting within the accounting industry, developing innovative recruiting strategies and building talent pipelines with a special lens on diverse talent. She is on a mission to help women transform their dreams into careers that will allow them to live life on their own terms and companies to transform their workplaces into equitable and safe spaces for all.




Sherry Sims

Sherry Sims

Founder of Black Career Women’s Network, to provide black women access to mentors in the workplace. She is an Influencer, Speaker, Career Strategist, and Career Growth Advocate of Color.

Sherry Sims decided after working 12 years in the Human Resources industry as a Corporate Recruiter and HR Generalist for corporations such as CVS Pharmacy, AT&T, and Time Warner, she desired to use her experience in a different way and transitioned to becoming a Career Coach, discovering a new passion for helping people strive for career success, specifically black women.

Sherry Sims’s purpose is for every Black Career Woman to be empowered to work in her highest potential, have equal consideration for professional growth and opportunities, be equipped to handle the dynamics of the workplace, and experience freedom and fulfilment at work.




Marielle Legair

Marielle Legair

Marielle Legair is the founder of Women Who Influence, personal branding and publicity firm for women, Marielle Legair has helped to build the reputation of CEOs, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs and some world’s largest companies such as Deloitte, Grant Thornton, and Experian. She helps leaders improve their career progression through personal branding and executive presence webinars, 1:1 mentoring and training programmes.

Her portfolio includes client media placements in major outlets such as BBC, Bloomberg, Financial Times, and Forbes. Plus, Legair captured the attention of global audiences through personal branding master classes held in New York and London, and she published a book, The Personal Brand Bible for Ambitious Women, an ultimate blueprint to building a stellar reputation and creating more opportunities in your industry.



Follow and network with these women on all social media platforms to get insightful information for your career growth! If you find this content valuable, share it with your tribe.

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