Funmi Oyatogun is the CEO and Lead Experience Designer at TVP Adventures. Funmi is a vibrant young African woman on a mission to uncover Africa for Africans. As a trained as geographer and environmentalist with a double B.A from University of Colorado and an M.Sc from University of Edinburgh, she is interested in how people influence their environment, vice versa. She has embarked on dozens of local and international trips and led thousands of people on trips across Nigeria and Africa.
She is a seasoned travel storyteller and her stories, visual documentaries and creative maps have been featured on the BBC, Arise TV, Travel Africa Magazine, The Guardian Nigeria and many more publications. With her stories, she is able to create practical guides on African travel and break through barriers to provide quality travel solutions. She also leads the team at TVP Adventures. TVP Adventures brings travel dreams to life through an online platform where young people can book travel experiences without the hassle of planning trips.
Funmi Oyatogun takes our Lady Boss Questionnaire.

What does Entrepreneurship mean to you?
Entrepreneurship means solving challenges for clients and building a sustainable value exchange around providing this solution.
If you weren’t an entrepreneur, you would be…?
If I weren’t an entrepreneur, I would be a climate change researcher or a cultural geographer or a forensic scientist.
If you could have a lunch date with one Lady Boss you admire – who would that be and what would you ask her?
If I could have lunch with one lady boss, it would be Dr. Ola Brown of Flying Doctors. I hope we can sit down to discuss some of the things we have shared interests in: business, numbers, development and women empowerment.
3 book recommendations for entrepreneurs?
I recommend Blue Ocean Strategy by Mauborgne and Kim.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson.
Tribe of Mentors by Timothy Ferriss.
The social media platform that has helped your business the most is?
Twitter has been great in helping to build a travel community who have then converted to clients.
More information:
Blog – funmioyatogun
Twitter – @funmioyatogun
Instagram – @funmioyatogun