Peace Agboola is a tech savvy and social entrepreneur. She is the founder of Active Shapers Africa (ASA), a non-profit organization focused on empowering youths in Africa through technical skills, mentorship programs and global opportunities. She founded ASA in 2019 during a public campaign on educating the girl child and has since impacted over 500 youths since she started her journey to become a change maker. She is currently a Microsoft ambassador and product associate at Nestcoin, — a blockchain/crypto focused startup — she started out as a self thought app inventor.
In 2016 she built an app that helped deaf people communicate effectively thereby enhancing their ability to learn. Her text to speech mobile app emerged the winner of Girls in ICT Day celebration.(https://www.vanguardngr.com/2016/05/standard-education-not-falling-fut-minna-vc/)
She has contributed to global development programs and startup communities across Africa through numerous organizations.
She was awarded for best hackathon project at Build for SDG 2020, selected top 20 product at saucecode hackathon 2020, and best performing female and assistant campus ambassador Hult Prize 2019 and 2020 amongst others.