Taking charge of your finances is possible with the right guide and source of information. Becoming financially independent is a dream come true for every woman in this century. We are delighted to introduce to you financial experts who can guide you to make this dream a reality.
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In this blog, we would like to share with you 5 female personal finance expert whom you need to follow to get your finance right in 2021. These women have helped thousands of people globally to achieve financial success and they are trailblazers in the finance industry. Check these women out!
Arese Ugwu

Arese Ugwu is the author of the bestselling and ground-breaking The Smart Money Woman, the financial-chick-lit novel that has taken Africa by storm. She is helping young Africans discover their power to build their future and make smarter money decisions through Smart Money Africa, a personal finance platform for the African millennial, engaging young Africans on the importance of financial literacy and the impact it has on helping them get money, keep money, and grow money.
Social media handles
Twitter: @smartmoneyarese
Facebook: Smart Money Arese
Instagram: @smartmoneyarese
LinkedIn: Arese Ugwu
Patrice C. Washington

Patrice C. Washington is known as the Money Maven. She is the Founder and CEO of Seek Wisdom Find Wealth, a personal finance training and development firm focused on moving you from debt management to money mastery. Patrice C. Washington has dedicated her life to providing practical advice for women to better manage their finances and take control of their personal wealth. As a featured columnist, television commentator, radio host, author, and speaker, she is the leading authority on personal finance for women and students.
Social media handles
Twitter: @SeekWisdomPCW
Facebook: Patrice C. Washington
Instagram: @seekwisdompcw
LinkedIn: Patrice C. Washington
Bola Sokunbi

Bola Sokunbi is a Certified Financial Education Instructor, money expert, best-selling author, and the founder & CEO of Clever Girl Finance, one of the largest personal finance platforms for women in the U.S. Clever Girl Finance is a mission-driven platform focused on helping women make the best financial decisions for their current and future selves. Her main goal is to help women become accountable, ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth.
Social media handles
Twitter: @CleverGirlCGF
Facebook: Clever Girl Finance
Instagram: @clevergirlfinance
LinkedIn: Bola Sokunbi
Tonya Rapley

Tonya Rapley is a highly sought after entrepreneur and consultant. She created the award-winning site, My Fab Finance in 2013, catapulting her to the forefront as a nationally recognized millennial money expert. Shortly after she was deemed the “New Face of Wealth Building” by Black Enterprise Magazine and was also recognized as a “Modern Day History Maker” by TV One. She is author of the Amazon Best Seller, The Money Manual: A Practical Guide to Help You Succeed On Your Financial Journey.
Social media handles
Twitter: @MyFabFinance
Facebook: My Fab Finance
Instagram: @myfabfinance
LinkedIn: Tonya Rapley
Tiffany Aliche

Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, is an award-winning teacher of financial education and is quickly becoming America’s favourite, personal financial educator. Through her company, The Budgetnista, Tiffany has created a financial movement that has helped over 1 million women worldwide collectively save more than $200 million, and pay off over $100 million in debt, purchase homes and transform the way they think about their finances.
She is a NextAdvisor contributing editor, and she also blogs about personal finance for The Huffington Post and The Budgetnista Blog, Co-hosts an award-winning podcast, Brown Ambition, and has an online school, the Live Richer Academy that teaches women how to create, implement and automate their own financial education path. Tiffany Aliche is the author of “The One Week Budget”
Social media handles
Twitter: @TheBudgetnista
Facebook: The Budgetnista
Instagram: @thebudgetnista
LinkedIn: Tiffany Aliche
We highly recommend that you follow these financial experts on their social media pages as they provide tons of valuable content on personal finance.
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