Performance evaluations have cited that Mimi Irvin is self-directed and self-driven, produces positive results, has a unique ability to understand how people’s different backgrounds impact how they function in a team environment. Her ability to grasp company execution of scope, quality, schedule, cost, concepts and processes allows has made her an invaluable addition to the team at Flour Corporation. With 17 years of corporate experience, Mimi Irvin shares nuggets that has made her excel as a Career woman. Lean in

What is your number one hack for dealing with difficult colleagues/bosses?
I choose my battles. If it’s a situation that disrespects me or discredits my work I will communicate my concern.
2 things you do when you are having a bad day?
I reflect on all the blessings I have and pray.
Turn the negative energy into positive energy.
When you are creatively stuck, you…?
I listen to music or exercise.
2 tips for navigating office politics?
I stay to true to my beliefs and I don’t engage.
If you could have a lunch date with one woman you admire – who would that be and what would you ask her?
That would be Diana Ross. I would ask her even with all her success, travels, awards and numerous accolades what is her biggest self-challenge (fear, doubt, etc.) and how does she overcome it?
If you could wear the same hairstyle to work every day, it would be?
I wear my hair in so many versatile styles because I love change. I can’t just pick one.
Your all-time favorite book is..?
Honestly, before it became a movie, “Waiting to Exhale” was my all-time favorite book. There are so many that came after but that was the first book I couldn’t put down.
3 greatest career lessons you have learnt on your journey?
Ask for help.
Learn your craft.
Don’t let yourself get in the way of opportunity.

About Mimi Irvin
Mimi Irvin has 17 years of experience (14 years Fluor experience) of proven ability in various roles in Oil and Gas (Upstream), Operation and Maintenance, Estimating, Project Engineering, Strategic Sourcing, Procurement, International Sales Coordination, Risk Facilitation and Project Management. Starting as an Electrical Engineer in Oil and Gas designing various electrical layouts and systems. Mrs. Irvin has managed projects that included Front End design, revamp, turnaround, ship building, procurement, and disaster relief (The BP Deep Water Horizon BP Gulf Coast Recovery Effort).
Performance evaluations have cited that she is: self-directed and self-driven, produces positive results, and has a unique ability to understand how people’s different backgrounds impact how they function in a team environment. Her ability to grasp company execution of scope, quality, schedule, cost, concepts and processes allows her to make valuable contributions to the team immediately.
Her professional career is on the fast track but there is more to her record. She has been recognized as 2016 Houston’s most Fashionable, 2017 Houston’s Most Influential Trailblazer recipient, brand ambassador and volunteer for Magpies & Peacock which is a nonprofit 501c3 design house based in Houston, Texas and Ms. Houston Vintage 2016. She is the owner of her very own online Shop MeYe Label (pronounced MY Label) that sells custom bow ties called MeYe Chic Bow Ties. Mimi’s mission is to inspire women that they can “Dress the Part, Shop Smart”.
Called the “Creative Engineer” her STEM background has been the foundation to her advocacy for young women teaching them that you can still have style in STEM.
She is the founder of “Got STEM Style?” which is a community of women and girls who are unapologetically BOLD, SMART and CREATIVE.