Hey Ladies? If you joined our recent Career Conversations IG Live Series, then you most likely know what we are on about on the blog today. We had Candace Nkoth Bisseck an African tech expert come teach us about making that big move from 9to5 to CEO.

Some key lessons we took out from the conversation are listed below
1. Appreciate your journey every step of the way. Do not be in a hurry to get to your destination that you lose sight of the process. Enjoy the process and enjoy your journey.
2. If you are new to the corporate world, you definitely struggle with doubts, with feelings ranging from “Am I enough”, “Am I doing enough”, ” Am I putting my best foot forward”. Girl, Keep pushing. Keep pushing through the uncertainties, the fear, the self-doubts, the limiting belieifs. Just keep pushing. Continue to put one foot in front of the other, develop yourself personally until you become comfortable with your input and how it is received by others.
3. It is crucial you know where you are headed professionally and what you want before going ahead to bag degrees. You do not necessarily have to have it all figured out, but it is important you have a clue of what you want to achieve career wise. That understanding will help you in taking choices and making decisions. It is also important to state that while some people are clear headed about the heights they want to attain professionally from the get go, some aren’t and that is fine too. As stated earlier, you do not have to have the complete picture all figured out so don’t be under pressure. Just have an idea of what you want to do, set realistic goals to achieve them and honour your word by truly achieving those goals.
4. Degrees are great! Getting certified by a recognized authority who can attest that you have fufilled set conditions for attaining a professional milestone is brilliant. Just ensure you are doing it for the right reasons. Similarly, getting an MBA is great and comes with great perks too but ensure you are not getting it to fill a professional inadequacy or to make your CV look and sound smart. Very importantly, get that MBA when you believe you truly need it to scale in your career else, it is an exercise in futility.