“In this age of technology, if you don’t have a skill that is scalable, you are going to be left behind.”
Busola Dakolo is a Nigerian based professional photographer and Founder of Busola Dakolo Images. She is also the founder of Skillskitchen, a digital platform that equips and connects youths with opportunities and requisite skills to scale their productivity.
Busola takes our Lady Boss Questionnaire.

What does Entrepreneurship mean to you?
To me, entrepreneurship means taking business from where it is to where it can possibly be, giving of yourself to its growth and caring for it as a mother would care for her child. Entrepreneurship is more of a mindset. A mindset that is blind to unattainability, disrupts status quo, sees a bigger picture beyond the prevalent state, courageous and persistent to take actions even when risky. A mindset that fuels the ability to stay committed to providing sustainable solutions to make people’s lives better.
If you weren’t an entrepreneur, you would be…?
Being an entrepreneur is part of my identity, so if I weren’t an entrepreneur I would have been living a lie. I have always been fascinated with the idea of seeing a thing grow from just an idea and watch it blossom.
If you could have a lunch date with one Lady Boss you admire – who would that be and what would you ask her?
There’s a lot of people I really like but there’s one Lady Boss that stands out, Ibukun Awosika. I really want to know if there was any time she ever messed up and felt like she had failed? How did she re-emerge?
3 book recommendations for entrepreneurs?
SOAR! by T.D Jakes
Crushing It by Gary Vaynerchuk
Succeeding as an Entrepreneur- Harvard Business Review

The social media platform that has helped your business the most is?