What is it about being on vacation that makes it, so we don’t want to leave? Is it the blue skies and palm trees? The ocean breeze and sand between your toes?
Or could it be that you don’t have any responsibilities like you would have if you were home? You see, on vacation, you don’t have any problems or cares in the world. The only stress you have is when the waiter takes fifteen minutes to bring you another mimosa.
It’s nice to be able to take time off from work and your responsibilities and escape to a more relaxing and calming destination. Everything looks and feels so peaceful, and you never want to leave. The truth is, everything about being on vacation is so relaxing, and everything about being at home can be so stressful? We all need a break every once in a while from adulting and all that comes with it.
Rather than plan a vacation though, why not build a life you do not have to take a vacation from? ?
Why not create simple routines that can help you see your life as something you do not need to take a break from.
Below, we share three simple tips that can help you build that life you do not need to take a vacation from.
Leave Work at Work at the End of the Day.
It really is okay to leave work at work. A sure-fire way to bum out your personal life is to bring your work life home with you.
When you bring work home, you’re not just bringing a few pieces of work with you. You’re bringing the entire workday home with you, and that’s including all the negative parts of your job.
One way to help break the cycle of bringing the workday home with you is to plan a fun activity to participate in right after work. I would recommend doing something that requires your body to move, like bowling.
Or you could do something that awakens your mind and your creative side in a fun non-work like way. If you have friends who happen to be coworkers, bring them along but set the rule that shop talk is off limits.
The idea behind this is to de-stress and detox from the workday. You can’t do that if you continue to talk about work in your personal and social lives.
Upgrade Your Bedding.
Hotel beds always feel more comfortable than your bed. Invest in some nice high thread count sheets and possibly a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets are perfect for people who have anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, and chronic pain. The weighted blanket will help calm you down and feel more relaxed so you can have an easier time falling asleep. Also, don’t forget to add extra fluffy pillows to your bed.
Treat Yourself to Eating Out More Often.
Naaah, you do not have to go crazy and spend a lot of money on restaurants. Simply put, eat like you would if you were on vacation. Go to new places you never normally go to and try out new kinds of food.
Try that cute little café that’s on the corner or the bistro that serves exciting dishes. Make yourself a fancy omelet and mimosa and eat outside on your balcony while watching the sunrise.
The goal is to eat like you would if you were on vacation without going overboard. Make your mealtimes fun and exciting. Invite a few friends over for late night drinks or enjoy a glass of wine while soaking in a nice hot bubble bath.
Try out these three simple steps and see your life slowly become the vacation you are constantly trying to run to.
Culled from Medium