Banke Meshida Lawal is the CEO of Nigeria’s Leading Make-Up brand- BMpro. BMPro has 65 products in the Nigerian market as well as distributors all over Nigeria, the UK, Ghana and Canada. The brand also has a training school, a beauty advisory and an online magazine. The success of the brand is based on the acceptance of its quality all over the world. A creative connoisseur, Banke has created looks for the runway including MBGN, Miss Nigeria, Tiffany Amber, House of Marie, Odio Mimonet; has created looks for editorial cover pages/fashion magazines including This Day, Elan, Genevieve, The Sun, Vanguard among others. She has also created stunning looks for over 2000 brides within and outside Nigeria.
She is the Chief Curator of the BMPro Cover Girl Editorial series. The series celebrates African women excelling in different spheres of endeavors. For her contributions to the Nigerian Beauty Industry, she has won a plethora of awards including Makeup Artist- The Nigerian Event Awards 2012, Makeup Artist of The Year- FAB AWARDS 2010, Makeup Brand of The Year- ELOY AWARDS 2009, Makeup Artist of the Year- Appoemn Awards 2017 among others.
Banke takes our Lady Boss questionnaire.

What does Entrepreneurship mean to you?
It means having a dream ,executing with every fiber of your being, putting in your all, and pushing that idea till you succeed, making an impact to society at large.
If you weren’t an entrepreneur, you would be…? A Diplomat.
If you could have a lunch date with one Lady Boss you admire – who would that be and what would you ask her? Aishah Ahmad, Deputy Governor of the CBN. I would like to know how she is able to run the CBN.

3 book recommendations for entrepreneurs?
My Story by Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
The Virgin Way by Richard Branson
1001 ways to market your services by Rick Crandall

The social media platform that has helped your business the most is?
Facebook at the onset.
Instagram at the moment.