Leading Ladies Africa: Hi Hannah! Can you tell us about yourself?
Hannah Kwaw: I am Hannah Kwaw, a software developer and content creator. My primary skills are in Reactjs, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Leading Ladies Africa: How did you become interested in tech? Can you tell us a bit about how your journey to tech started?
Hannah Kwaw: My interest in tech started when I was in secondary school. A friend advised me to select computer science as part of my courses in applying to the university. So I did just that and I got the opportunity to study computer science. But I must add that my passion for coding and tech as a whole really came to light after my computer science degree.
Leading Ladies Africa: What is a typical day at your job like?
Hannah Kwaw: A typical day in my life involves coding of course, and short meetings.

Leading Ladies Africa: What does it feel like to be a woman in tech?
Hannah Kwaw: It feels really great to be in tech. I like the exposure that it gives and a host of other opportunities I get to learn new things and that alone is awesome.

Leading Ladies Africa: Do you have any advice for women entering the tech industry?
Hannah Kwaw: I would say that if you aspire to be in tech you can definitely do it. Allow yourself to go through your learning curve and it will be fulfilling to see what you can do in the future.